I Didn’t Know That…

Vashon Island Vol. 1

Peggy Ruben-Ellis

VARSA would like to thank game
designer Peggy Rubens-Ellis
and illustrator Annie
Brulé (anniebrule.com).

Activities for explorers young and old!

So much to discover uptown!

This walk leads you around the town of Vashon. You may see things you’ve walked past many times and never noticed.

      1. On the way from Café Luna to the Senior Center, who is getting VERY tired?
      2. At the Senior Center: How many candles are on the birthday cake?
      3. What is on the agenda at 12:45?
      4. At the Fire Station: What event does the art installation outside commemorate?
      5. At the Heritage Museum: Name a member of the Matsuda family
      6. At the small park behind the museum: What does the Japanese Enso represent?
      7. At the KC Sheriff Transfer Station: Three rings plus an S plus an L equals what popular Vashon sport?
      8. At Lake, Kennedy & McCulloch: What type of unusual tree is in the front yard?
      9. At the Hardware Store Restaurant: This was the first _________ building in Vashon.
      10. What kind of tool is labeled "12 in. Diamond Horseshoe"?


Looking for something to do?

    • Find a fairy house in Burton Forest (or make one)
    • Do a low tide walk and find at least three critters
    • Walk a labyrinth—There are two to pick from
    • Read a story while on the Judd Creek Trail
    • Go on the Vashon walking tour “Main Street Vashon” (brochures available at the Vashon Heritage Museum)
    • Find a quiet place to read or sketch
    • Find some public art (not in town)
    • Pick apples and make something
    • Go on a Dockton walking tour
    • Do a nature-based art project
    • Make an obstacle course
    • Pick (edible only) berries
    • Go to the beach at night
    • Play disc golf at BARC
    • Discover a new trail
    • Do a hike at night
    • Find a farm stand
    • Plant something
    • Help a neighbor
    • View the stars
    • Sleep outside
    • Collect shells
    • Write a letter
    • Find a pond
    • Make a fort

Get started today!!
Pick up your copy of "I Didn't Know That...Vashon Island"
at the Varsa Office
or print your copy at home!

The mission of VARSA is to reduce and prevent underage drug and alcohol use by engaging, educating and empowering the communities we serve.